What is SOAP Match?

So, you didn’t get matched. Don’t fret, there’s still hope with SOAP. SOAP stands for Supplemental and Offer Acceptance Program and is a service offered by the National Resident Matching Program. Candidates can use SOAP if they don’t get matched around March 14th through the regular Main Residency Match algorithm. SOAP residency offers unmatched U.S. […]

Residency Timeline

When applying for your Dream Residency, you will encounter a lot of questions: when do I apply for an externship, how do I write my personal statement, when do I submit my ERAS application? The good news is that Residents Medical has the answers to all of your questions, preparing you with steps for each […]

ERAS 101

With the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) about to open, your application should be ready to go. Don’t wait until the last day; give yourself time to properly complete it. There will be tens of thousands of ERAS applications submitted during these upcoming weeks, but Residents Medical can help strengthen your candidacy in order to […]

How Our Candidates Found Their Match

This year’s Match season was unlike any other. The stakes are getting higher as the number of applicants increases but the number of positions remains the same. This year, there were only about 33,000 positions for just under 44,000 applicants.  It can seem impossible to land a residency nowadays, and many medical graduates feel the […]

So You Got Rejected From Residency – Now What?

Unfortunately, there is a very real chance that many medical students won’t match for a residency program. Due to the rising number of students in medical school but a stagnant amount of residency programs available, not matching with a position is becoming more common among students across the world. In 2017, over 4,000 U.S. and […]

The Residency Application Cycle

Exams! Letters! Statements! Submissions! With so many elements to the residency application process, it can be difficult to keep track of what to do and when to do it. Staying organized and maintaining a sense of where you are in the application cycle is critical in ensuring there are no missed steps. Because the process […]

General Application Tips

When it comes to the residency application, how, where, and when you apply is just as important as the content in your ERAS app. You can start certifying and submitting your ERAS application in early September, and Residents Medical can help you discover how to increase your chances of matching by strategizing your application. You […]

How to Get the Best Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation, or LORs, are unique in that they provide program directors with a third-party perspective about the kind of student, person, and potential resident you are. Use this opportunity to your advantage. While there are many places for you to sell yourself on the ERAS application, having positive comments come from a highly […]

Preparing for Your Residency Interview

So you received a residency interview – congratulations! For international medical graduates, the interview can very well be the most daunting aspect of the residency application. Your interview can be the most important factor for your ranking to be Matched. Residents Medical has some tips to help you impress Program Directors when they meet you […]

The Do’s & Don’ts of Writing a Personal Statement

The personal statement is a crucial component of any residency application, as it provides program directors with a more multifaceted image of you as an applicant and future doctor. For international and foreign medical graduates, the personal statement is particularly important and needs to effectively showcase the applicant’s unique talents to stand out against the […]